What I learnt after watching “No one killed Jessica”? I thought it all my way back to hostel. I was so much filled with mixed feeling. I have concerned for our society, politicians, our socialite, Police, role of media, our judiciary system and most important our own people...Are they safe? Do they get what they deserve? What are their rights? Do they have faith in system? Do they get justice? Like these, there are so many questions which are raised by this movie. Like Jessica, there are so many cases for which judicial process is going on from a decade or more than that. People are waiting for justice. Will they get within time, these all are concerns which I think we all should have. So what are the ways to come out with solutions for such kind of problems?
In case of Jessica, what are the main concerns or areas where our system lacked to bring out the truth?
I think we all must give a thought on this.
Role of politicians- No doubt about it, Influence and Power are the words which they use as they wish. It should be under surveillance. Police and Court all know how our politicians use their power in tempering with the evidences in such cases where either they or their family members are involved. Government and law ministry should think on such act because we have seen in almost every case wherever politicians are involved. Either the cases are running from decades or they are closed in between in the lack of proper evidences. Even sometimes I surprised when I think about few cases in the last decade which were so popular in media and none of them come up to their final verdict. They are still running and running...
Role of media- There is no doubt about it that Media did a fabulous job in Jessica Lall case. Media kept the case live for almost 10years and proved that it is the fourth pillar of democracy in true sense. But sometimes we also see that cases come as momentarily, stories come in.... and out....if it is related to high profile, it can sustain for sometime otherwise for few days it will be aired and slowly it will fade out like a colour from a clothe. This shouldn’t be.
Role of society- This was the most embarrassing aspect in Jessica case. At which I feel that I am also a culprit. We all shout on our system and our politicians but how much we are responsible? How can we become so selfish? If it is related to us or our kin then only it is a problem otherwise no one cares. If it happens with someone else, we do not want to be involved in. Where is humanity? Is it dead? How could the prime witnesses deny from their statement-the truth which they knew.
People! Don’t forget if you are not there today, you or your family can be there tomorrow. So don’t let it (the truth) die ever.
So what is the need of hour?
•We all must understand our responsibility in society which makes from us and which is for us.
•There should be some improvement in our judiciary system precisely in our law system like there should be providence for “Witness Protection” in the cases where their statement is as an evidence.
I found a very good article written by a student of symbiosis law student on “Witness protection”.
Lastly, I want to thank Indian Cinema specially Mr. Raj Kumar Gupta(Director,Screenplay of No one killed Jessice) and his team who dared to make a film on such incident and made the people to think on issues related to it. We all hope that Indian cinema will keep trying to work on such subjects and will remind us time to time about our roles and responsibilities in society.
i feel like watching this movie now
thank you Deepa...well i suppose if a writer is writing the script on such real incident and specially these incidents are very close to hearts of people,then to make a film on such topic becomes difficult...and in this case he did a great job....
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